of the Primaziale of Pisa, Book of "baptised", signed
C, char 36t. Reprinted in facsimile in the National Edition Opere
di Galileo Galilei, Barbera, Florence 1968; XIX, p.25, this will
be referred to as G.G. The volume is shown in Roman numbers.
the abbreviations, Antonio Favaro reads: "Galileo, of Vincentio
Ghalilei of Florence and of his wife Lady Giulia was baptised in St Andrew
Chapel on 19th in the presence of friends and cavaliers, Sir Pompeo and
Sir Haverardo de' Medici ". See his paper: "Sulla Veridicita'
del "Racconto Istorico della Vita di Galileo" Dictated by Vincenzio
Viviani", Archivio Storico Italiano, 1915, 323-380.
3As is
shown in Alcune Notizie intorno alla Vita del Galileo, Avute da Vincenzio
Galilei, Figliuolo et Herede del Galileo, mentioned in G. G, XIX,
though Galileo's blessing, Ferdinand was dead a few days after, on the
7th February.
5In the
second date, 6 is actually a correction of 5.
Favaro, "In quel giorno del febbraio '64 dovrebbe celebrarsi la
ricorrenza del natalizio del Galilei?". In Atti e Memorie della
R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova, 1908, vol. XXIV,
6-8: the author left the problem about the exact date to posterity. "If
they want to establish the day for celebration at exactly four hundred
years after the instant he opened his eyes for the first time".
Favaro, "Ascendenti e collatterali di Galileo Galilei", Archivio
Storico Italiano, 1911, XLVII, 346-378.
Scaramucci, "Gli antenati di G. Galilei residenti a S. Maria a Monte", Archivio
Storico Italiano, 1911, XLVII, 346-378.
had never had the citizenship of Pisa, therefore, from a legal point
of view, his father's provenance should be attributed to him as well.
it was 1563.
contract says: "domum unam solariatam tribus solariis, cum claustro,
puteo et allis suis pertinentis, sitam Pisis in classo Mercatorum.
del Guerra "la casa dove, in Pisa, nacque Galileo Galilei". Rassegna
periodica di informazioni, Comune di Pisa, 1965.
little information is provided by a "shopping list" of Mzio
Tedaldi from 1572 to 1574. Here is what probably Galileo was reported:
26th September (1573): Galileo's grey shirt? L. 23
9th November (1573): given by Galileo to his teacher L. 5.-.-
27th November (1573): Galileo's clothes L. 5.-.-
12th December (1573): given by Galileo to his teacher L. 5.-.-
6th February (1574): Galileo L. 5.-.-
16th May (1574): for perpignano incarnatoand other things, to
Galileo's tailor, that is for cloths L. 15.2.8
(after 15th October 1574) due to Lazero the chemist, for Galileo's medicaments
L. 5.-.-
Caturegli, "La scuola media in Pisa", Bollettini Storico
Pisano, 1936, 17-46.
di Stato di Pisa, Comune D. 66, pp. 73t e 74r.
18A few
observations of Caturegli are summarised (see his article in not 11)
toscana raccolta ed illustrata dal Dotor Lorenzo Cantini, Firenze 1800,
C. Toniolo Fascione, Aspetti di politica culturale e scolastica nell'età di
Cosimo I:l'istituzione del collegio della Sapienza di Pisa.
tenuta al Rothary Club "Galilei" di Pisa
dal prof. Roberto Vergara Caffarelli
nel Novembre 1992